Monday, April 28, 2014


GEMAS – Akibat berang, bapa menyerbu dan membelasah seorang lelaki berumur 26 tahun yang leka memadu kasih dengan anak perempuannya di dalam sebuah kenderaan di Felda Jelai 2, di sini, awal pagi semalam.

Dalam kejadian jam 2.45 pagi itu, bapa berkenaan tidak dapat menahan perasaan marahnya apabila mengetahui anak perempuannya berumur 18 tahun melakukan perbuatan tidak senonoh dengan lelaki terbabit yang bekerja sebagai buruh.

Menurut sumber, semuanya bermula apabila seorang penduduk berhampiran menyedari pasangan itu memadu kasih dan memaklumkan kepada bapa gadis berkenaan.

“Tanpa melengahkan masa, bapa gadis itu dan penduduk kampung menyerbu pasangan terbabit.

“Ketika serbuan, berlakulah insiden bapa gadis berkenaan membelasah pasangan anaknya itu, sebelum menyerahkannya ke Balai Polis Gemas untuk tindakan lanjut,” katanya.

Sumber berkata, buruh berkenaan mengalami lebam pada bahagian muka dan bengkak bahagian bibir.

“Remaja perempuan terbabit kemudiannya membuat laporan polis di Balai Polis Gemas, jam 9 pagi tadi (semalam) dan mendakwa dirogol sebanyak dua kali.

“Sementara suspek pula dibawa ke Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Tampin untuk siasatan lanjut,” katanya.

Menurutnya, ketika serbuan dilakukan, pasangan itu juga didapati khayal dan keletihan, dipercayai telah melakukanhubungan seks.

“Gadis itu dikatakan keluar rumah pada sebelah petang dan bersiar-siar di pekan Gemas.

“Bagaimanapun, sebelum menghantar gadis berkenaan pulang, pasa­ngannya cuba membawanya ke rumahnya,” katanya.

Sumber berkata, gadis itu enggan naik ke rumah kerana takut perbuatan mereka diketahui keluarga lelaki terbabit.

“Sebab itu, pasangan berkenaan mengambil keputusan melakukan perbuatan tidak bermoral itu dalam kereta,” katanya.

Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Daerah Tampin, Superintendan Wooi Kooi Cheang ketika dihubungi mengesahkan menerima laporan itu dan pihaknya masih menjalankan siasatan mengenai kejadian itu.-

credit abangbecaburuk.- tk

Ulasan  : Sampai masa dah aku rasa emak bapak tak usah benarkan anak keluar malam. Anak perempuan takut kena rogol, anak jantan takut merogol orang !


HAKIMI menunjukkan tempat bapanya, Mat Setapa (gambar kecil) yang mati selepas diserang di bilik air di rumahnya di Kampung Gua Raja Gua Ipoh, Tanah Merah kelmarin.

TANAH MERAH – Hajat seorang lelaki warga emas untuk menunaikan solat Isyak selepas ambil wuduk tidak kesampaian apabila dia mati diserang seorang lelaki berpakaian serba hitam di Kampung Gua Raja Gua Ipoh di sini malam kelmarin.
Kejadian itu berlaku pada pukul 8.30 malam dan ketika itu Mat Setapa Ab. Radzad, 75, berada di bilik air yang yang terletak di luar rumahnya.
Isteri mangsa, Sabariah Awang Noh, 71, berkata, semasa itu pula dia berada di sebuah bilik di rumahnya dan baru lepas menunaikan solat Isyak.
Sumber :- Kosmo...
Ulasan - Hukum akal, apalah daya seorang lelaki tua berumur 75 tahun. Tak kan tak ada ruang berunding sehingga terpaksa membunuh....

Sunday, April 27, 2014


Gadis tak tahan rasa gatal

Saya berusia 16 tahun dan mengalami gatal-gatal pada bahagian faraj sejak dua bulan lalu. Pada awalnya saya fikir cuma kegatalan biasa selepas haid tetapi ia berterusan.
Rasa gatal itu mengganggu keselesaan saya terutama waktu malam sehingga mengganggu tidur saya. Saya kerap menggaru kerana tidak tahan dan menyebabkan kemaluan saya menjadi hitam. Untuk pengetahuan doktor, kegatalan yang saya alami bukan saja pada bahagian faraj tetapi juga di celah kelangkang. Kawasan yang gatal itu menjadi hitam dan kadangkala luka kerana digaru.  Namun sewaktu membuang air kecil, tiada rasa sakit. Apakah yang harus saya lakukan? 

Gadis bingung,


Adakah terdapat lelehan atau keputihan dari faraj anda? Kadangkala ia boleh dilihat atau melekat pada seluar dalam. Adakah terdapat perubahan pada bibir kemaluan anda iaitu lazimnya menjadi lebih pucat atau kemerahan dan menipis? 

Anda mungkin mengalami jangkitan kulat yang berpunca dari dalam faraj. Doktor mungkin akan memberikan anda ubat untuk dimakan bagi menghilangkan jangkitan di dalam faraj berserta krim sapuan pada kawasan kemaluan luar berkenaan.

Ulasan :
Nasib baik gadis ni tak jumpa bomoh. Kalau tidak siap kena cabullah. Dia memilih untuk bertanya Pakar Sakit Puan, Harian Metro. Kalau jumpa bomoh dan tentu kena periksa ' anunya' sebab ada banyak jin dalam benda tu.

Sumber : Metro...terima kasih.


Kelam kabut macai Pakatan bukak bila tajuknya UMNO tolak hudud.

UMNO tolak hudud salah besar, Pakatan tolak hudud tak berani komen!



Presiden Barack Obama menyatakan kesedian Amerika Syarikat ( AS ) untuk membantu Malaysia dalam merungkai misteri kehilangan pesawat MH 370.
Pemangku Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Seri Hishamuddin berkata jaminan itu diberikan dalam pertemuan ringkas sejurus ketibaannya bagi lawatan rasmi ke negara ini.

" Beliau akui cabaran berliku dalam usaha mencari MH370. Kita akan bekerjasama dan AS sedia membantu ".
" Saya gembira mendengar perkara ini dan mengakui bahawa perjalanannya amat panjang". kata Hishamuddin lagi.

Sebelum ini Obama dilaporkan sebagai berkata bahawa keutamaan AS sekarang ialah membantu Malaysia mencari MH 370 dan bahan bukti telah dikongsi bersama Malaysia dan AS melalui FBI.

Obama berkata  doanya tetap bersama keluarga dan waris MH370 dan beliau mahu mereka tahu, usaha mencari MH 370 adalah keutamaan AS sekarang- Sumber

Apabila Obama membuat keputusan untuk tidak menemui Anwar Ibrahim, tiba tiba kedatangan Obama ke Malaysia dikatakan tidak berfaedah oleh Pakatan. Tetapi dunia mengetahui bahawa AS adalah kuasa besar dunia dan lawatan Obama adalah pengiktirafan kepada Malaysia.

Lebih daripada itu ini adalah bukti bahawa Malaysia adalah negara yang selamat untuk dikunjungi. Adalah dua tiga kerat budak budak Anwar cuba nak berhimpun di Sogo, nak tunjuk protes tapi hakikatnya mereka tak berjaya.

Yang aku respek Datuk Seri Hishamuddin. Tak pernah tergelincir dan tersasar. Sentiasa dalam pemikirannya, mencari MH 370. Aku harap bila Obama bagi jaminan nak tolong, mudah mudahan misteri ini akan benar benar terungkai akhirnya, insyaallah.

Kredit untuk kawan aku Salatus Salatin.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Gambar gambar Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein sewaktu menyambut Krew dan penumpang MH192 yang berpatah balik kerana masalah mekanikal. 

Hishamuddin menghadiahkan topi kesayangannya kepada Pilot MH192, Kapten Nor Adam Azmi yang mengharumkan nama negara kerana kecekapan dan ketenangannya menyelamatkan penumpang dan krew MH192

Para penumpang mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Hishamuddin di atas sikap perihatin dan ambil berat beliau mewakili Kerajaan Malaysia.

Bangga atas kehebatan seorang anak Melayu

Pelukan syukur dan terima kasih

Lawakpun ada, pakat nak berjumpa Hishamuddin, nak ucap terima kasih.

Manusia merancang, Allah merancang. Pakatan patut melompatpun sebab UMNO dah ada calon PM !

Monday, April 21, 2014


Dulu dulu kita dengar berita ini di Barat.

Sekarang berlaku di negara kita. Aku rasa budak Melayu yang miang tuh !!

Saturday, April 19, 2014



Poskad Dari Bandung

Untuk beberapa tahun, Kasim telah melakukan hubungan sulit bersama pembantu rumahnya yang berasal dari Bandung, Indonesia bernama Sumarni...

Suatu hari, Sumarni memberitahu Kasim yang dirinya mengandung ... Kasim yang tidak mahu isterinya tahu, telah mengambil keputusan untuk menghantar Sumarni balik ke Bandung untuk melahirkan anak mereka di sana ...

Beliau berjanji akan menanggung segala perbelanjaan untuk anak tersebut sehingga anaknya nanti berusia 18 tahun... Supaya rahsia mereka berdua tidak bocor, Kasim menyuruh Sumarni supaya menghantarkan sekeping poskad dengan menulis perkataan "Mi Bandung" dibelakangnya setelah anak mereka lahir nanti.. Kasim akan menguruskan pengiriman kos perbelanjaan untuk anaknya setelah mendapat poskad itu nanti ...

9 bulan selepas itu, ketika Kasim pulang dari kerja, isteri Kasim iaitu Maimunah menegur Kasim dengan muka yang keliru ...

"Bang ... abang dapat poskad yang peliklah hari ni," kata Aishah. "Oh, tak pe ... bagi poskad tu kat Abang.. Nanti abang jelaskan," kata Kasim.. Aishah pun memberi poskad itu kepada Kasim dan melihat Kasim membaca poskad tersebut, lalu muka Kasim bertukar menjadi biru, ungu dan terus pengsan!

Poskad itu berbunyi ... "Mi Bandung 4…2 ada telur, 2 tiada telur… Tolong hantarkan kuah lebih ya!"

Sumbangan: Amir


At 1/3/14 12:44 PMAnonymous lang said...
lol punya anak kembar empat
At 10/4/14 3:25 PMAnonymous Anonymous said...
Saya orang indonesia. Sumarni itu bukan nama orang bandung tapi nama orang jawa(java)

Post a Comment

Ulasan : Ceritanya tak lawak sangat, yang lawaknya komen ke 2 tu. Patriotik benar orang Indonesia nih..nama dalam cerita lawakpun dibetulkan.
Terima kasih Husin yer..mintak halal...

Friday, April 18, 2014


Tak payah berdalih lagi..

Tunggu tengok...kita tunggu apa Macai PAS kata...

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Apapun sebabnya murid bukan tempat sepak terajang ! Tambahan pulak budak sekolah rendah. Tegurlah sebab mendidik memang kerja cikgu.

Tak sanggup, berhenti. Masuk tinju, wakili negara. Baru betul...

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Kita baca komen komen di bawah ni dulu...rakyat sudah berubah..


  1. Democracy write what you want but at the end the readers will read between the line. The subtext is what matters. The subtext is what actually telling the reader what is the writter actually telling. This writer is just another chinaman in Malaysia who sees eberything with a very sepet eyes. What do you xpect when someone sees thing sepetly???
  2. Sad reading this article. Whole world is saddened by this MH370 trajedy and yet this writer was looking at the other side of Hishammuddin. Why cant we all just embrace each other and for once suppprt and back up whatever good things the gov trying to do to find the missing plane. If Hisyammuddin is the one representing the gov and acting officially, and he is doing a good job why cant we just show our suppprt and back him morally. Why the colours of his pant or the way he tied up his tie becomes an issues. Its so true we are still a country with a third world mentallity. Felt sorry for you Mr. KTC
  3. This apek .really worried maaa... He thought that no more Malay to lead this nation. When Hishamuddin stood up all the apek's friends were shock and get angry. So he tried to calm down all his friends. And actually he failed..
  4. Keris is a malay symbol. What is wrong when we shealth out the keris kiss it. Its a symbol of patriotism. Malay patriotism. It is okey if any chinaman say bak ku teh is good for buka puasa...over my dead body if hudud is implemented....40k banglas vote in the election......blackout at the polling station and etc. If any of the fuckkatan side says or do....its ok. You can produce whatever video for you CNY....but when malay public react. Its racism. Its naive and ignorant. Why you all did not think first that all what you people are doing and saying is actually the mothers of all racism. Anything the malay react to all your doing is racism......
  5. What's your problem lor? Past is past... today everyone know how good Hisham is....
  6. It is because Hisham is Malay right? If he is a Chinese, then there won't be such article like this..
  7. Why hah? You're worried if there any Malay leader stood up to lead this nation, then u and all your mata sepets family has no chance to take control this country right?
  8. Well said anon 5.02. Syabas.
  9. Leftenan Kolonel BersaraApril 13, 2014 at 5:38 AM
    Mr Kee....there's nothing for potential prime minister Hishammuddin Hussein to chew on. You are the one who should chew on what you wrote with you bak ku teh and your chinesse tea. Then when hv enought you can pack your things and migrate cos there's no way neither you nor LKS or LGE will ever lead this country.
  10. Dear Mr Kee... you are like a crow on top of a tall tree, crowing (or shall I say croaking) away telling the world how wrong they are and you are the only who one is always correct and knows it all. You thought you could see the whole world from the tree top. Yeah right, like a crow the carrion eater, your sepet eyes sweep across the country looking for easy meals. After having digest the easy meals, you fly up your perch and repeat your crowing again and again, praising yourself and finding fault in others. But dear Mr Kee, you have forgotten where your two feet are. You are standing on a tall sturdy tree . You may fly away and come back and some day you'll fall dead. But the tree lose nothing without the crow. It still stands strong against the wind, rain and storm until Allah says otherwise. Malaysia is the strong tree Mr a good bird and see the good side.
  11. This old man have his own dream. Of course Lim dynastylah..but Hisham was blocked his what else to do..menghoyanlah !
  12. Anon 6.13. Yes, that chinaman and most of them is like the burung gagak. They live on bangkai as long as they can live with a stomach full. Yes true bangkai was never found on the tree....its alway on the road. This gagak will start screaming and making noice once they smell bangkai on the road. All will surround the bangkai. Leave the tree and once the bangkai is gone....they will come back for the tree. The tree is their shelter. The tree is where they rest, take shelter and place of their confort. This is the psychic of the gagak. Similar to the apek apek in MALAYsia. They will sapu whatever can be sapu but at the end they dont give a shit. Be it MCA or GERAKAN or DAP or all the kiasus NGO. They treat this country without respect an love as their motherland. Unfortunate for all of us. All our forefathers be it Tengku or Sambanthan or Tan Siew Sin work hard and left us with a great legacy to continue living hormoniously thru the malaysian formula that already existed and tested and yet we are now likes dogs and cats.
  13. I heard that this old man write to eat..really ka ?
  14. No lah. M x journalist at the Star. He's just a proof reader ma. He edited what other write but he claim he's a journalist. He wrote english plays. Not sure how many and claimed to be the best english play to be staged at Old Vic and West End.....hahahaha. What a real loser.
  15. Komen ini sebenarnya berkaitan tulisan yang tersiar dalam blog ini....
  16. Teruskan bacaan...
  17. Sesuatu yang jelas, ketara ialah rakyat Malaysia tidak lagi boleh dipaksa untuk berfikir mengikut aliran yang ditentukan. Penulis ini barangkali menganggap apa sahaja yang dimuntahkan akan ditelan. Sebaliknya berlaku, penulis ini dan penulisannya nyata ditolak.
  18. Rakyat tidak lagi terbelenggu dengan masa lalu sebaliknya tetap teguh mendepani masa hadapan.


Friday, April 11, 2014


Banyak onar, banyak penghinaan. Raja, Perdana Menteri hatta Agama Islam. Segalanya dijadikan bahan. Bukan sedikit kerosakan berlaku. Umat Melayu satu masa berasa lega apabila Menteri Dalam Negeri kita kelihatan keras, tegas.
Tiba tiba setelah menang tertinggi Naib Presiden UMNO, kelihatan seperti kerja telah selesai. Sekarang Zahid sendiri yang kena...apa lagi ditunggu?

Korang baca ni...

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Tiga hari lepas Anwar Ibrahim janji dengan kira kira 200 orang Cina bahawa Hudud tidak akan dilaksanakan. Tak de dalam dasar Pakatan undang undang kontroversi ini, kata Anwar.

Anwar kata " Saya akan jumpa dan bercakap dengan Nik Aziz ". Jangkaan aku Anwar akan berjaya. Korang tengok video di atas, kalau Nabipun diperlekeh...apa lagi hudud !


Dari Samad Said kepada Anwar Ibrahim...

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Pulau Pinang rupanya dah jadi destinasi seks tersohor negara. Kecik je Penang ni. Diperintah pula oleh Lim Guan Eng yang diberikan jolokan Umar Abdul Aziz oleh PAS.
Kita tunggu jawapan daripada PAS. Isu ini PAS yang akan jawab sebab dah jadi kewajipan PAS mempertahankan DAP. PAS aku rasa sanggup mati demi Guan Eng.

Jahara: Perjelas dakwaan 'bandar seks'
Kerajaan Pulau Pinang perlu memberi penjelasan berhubung laporan sebuah badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) yang mendakwa negeri ini 'bandar seks' berikutan kononnya terdapat sekurang-kurangnya 200 kawasan panas yang menawarkan perkhidmatan seks.
Ketua Pembangkang Pulau Pinang Datuk Jahara Abdul Hamid berkata semua pihak terutama rakyat negeri ini mahu Ketua Menteri Lim Guan Eng tampil memberi penjelasan mengenai perkara itu berikutan laporan itu memberi imej buruk kepada Pulau Pinang.
"Umno mahu Lim beri penjelasan mengenai perkara itu dan jika beliau enggan berbuat demikian, kami akan bangkitkan pada sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri yang akan bersidang bulan depan.
"Laporan itu bukan sahaja memberi imej buruk malah menunjukkan pihak berkuasa tempatan tidak buat kerja mereka kerana saya difahamkan 200 premis yang menawarkan perkhidmatan berkenaan mempunyai lesen dan bagaimana perkara itu boleh terjadi," katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan Program Kembara Kebajikan 1Malaysia Family Care (IMFC), di Dewan Sungai Dua, di Butterworth hari ini.
Jahara yang juga Pengerusi Majlis Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat (MPWKM) mengulas dakwaan Jaringan Utara Migran dan Pelarian (Jump) itu.
Laporan kajian itu berdasarkan temu bual membabitkan 172 pemandu teksi di negeri ini yang mendakwa pernah membawa penumpang ke kawasan panas berkenaan sekurang-kurangnya sekali.

Dikelilingi air. Dilimpahi hujan tapi rakyat kena catu. Bala rupanya !

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Ngelabah Babi ni ungkapan baru. Ia membawa maksud ' terkejut bercampur cemas diikuti tindakan meredah, melanggar apa saja, sama macam babi ". Babi ni najis dia pun dia makan. Dia meredah apa saja yang ada di depan sebab dia tak de brek. Dia langgar apa saja termasuk traktor !
Inilah gamaknya yang dihadapi oleh Kee Thuan Chye, penulis yang kononnya ' bebas ' sehingga artikel kebudak budakan ini lahir. Aku sebab nak berlaku adil, menurunkan sepenuhnya artikel beliau ( di bawah ) untuk korang baca. Aku memilih untuk masa ini tidak mengulas tulisan ini secara tersurat tetapi sebelum korang baca aku ingin mencadangkan beberapa siratan daripada artikel ini.
1. Kee Thuan Chye sangat terdesak sehingga terpaksa menurunkan ' bukti  kegagalan' Hishamuddin yang sebenarnya telah disebut berulang ulang oleh penaja beliau dalam Pakatan.
2. Segala tokoh Pakatan dari akar ke pucuk tenggelam dalam wibawa Hishamuddin sehingga kes air mani dalam ponggong yang mereka harap akan ' lonjak ' Anwar ke puncakpun tenggelam
3. Pahit untuk ditelan tapi hakikatnya UMNO macam ' tiada orang ' selepas Najib. Tiba tiba Hishamuddin timbul dan menyerlah. Ini juga mimpi ngeri bagi Pakatan.
Ini antara asas mengapa artikel ini lahir...hasil ngelabah babi !

April 5, 2014

Kee Thuan Chye
                          Kee Thuan Chye 
Some people are saying that from his helming the MH370 press conferences, Defence and Acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein appears to be prime minister material.
I beg to differ.
He did the dumbest thing imaginable just a couple of days ago that showed that he was either not thinking or lacking in EQ (emotional quotient). It shocked many Malaysians that he was so insensitive.
It started with journalist Ismail Amsyar tweeting: “MH370 is a blessing in disguise for all of us. I understand now the beauty of unity, the sweetness of having each other.” That was appalling. How could anyone exploit the misfortunes of 239 lost passengers – and their worried family members – to delight in his own “sweet” discovery?
A person who had brains and heart would have straight away recognised the insensitivity of the tweet. No need even to have the qualities to be prime minister. And yet good old Hishammuddin tweeted back, “Right u are:)” Do note that it came accompanied with the emoticon for “smile”.
What was he thinking? Was he even thinking? If he wasn’t, that would be even more serious! Imagine a non-thinking potential PM!
But, seriously, are we surprised? Now people talk of him as PM material but have they forgotten the howlers he made when he was home minister?
I just have to mention three things that stand out.
One, his wishy-washy handling of the proposed protests by Muslim groups against the ‘Allah’ ruling right after it was made by the High Court in 2009. Instead of being firm as he was against previous protests, including those opposing the Internal Security Act (ISA), he sent out a vague message: The demonstrations could go ahead and action would only be taken if things got out of hand.
Instantly, his detractors cried double standards.
But that was not the end of the story. The next day, three churches in Kuala Lumpur were attacked with fire-bombs. And when critics pointed out that Hishammuddin was among those who should be held indirectly accountable for being ambivalent, he claimed he was misquoted. That seemed like standard operating procedure for ministers who had been caught out. It showed weak leadership.
Two, when protestors defiled a cow’s head to protest against the relocation of a Hindu temple in Shah Alam in 2009, Hishammuddin actually came out to defend them. He even told the media that the protestors could not be blamed as “they had no intention at all” to invoke racial sentiments. He said they felt victimised, and justified their illegal protest by saying the number of protestors was small!
Malaysians were bowled over. The home minister had turned ‘lawyer’ for illegal protestors who had insulted the Hindu religion!
That’s not the end of the story either. The next day, Hishammuddin did a U-turn. He now said the cow-head protestors should be charged for doing something that could not be tolerated. He claimed he never justified their action in the first place. What?! But there was a video of him at the previous day’s press conference showing a couple of the protestors seated cosily beside him as he explained that they were above censure. The video could not have lied.
The next thing we knew, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) summarily instructed Malaysiakini, the online news website that had recorded the press conference, to remove the video. Ostensibly to save Hshammuddin’s face. To Malaysiakini’s credit, it refused. So the record of our potential PM’s big-time faux pas is still available.
Three, Lahad Datu. Malaysians still facetiously call it the two-week teh tarik session Hishammuddin had with the armed Sulu insurgents before bullets started to fly and eight Malaysian policemen were killed. He explained that he was conducting diplomatic negotiations with them, but many of us were perplexed that he cut them so much slack. They had, after all, declared their intention from the start – to claim the area as their ancestral homeland. And they meant business with their weapons.
So instead of nipping the insurgency in the bud, the Government allowed it to escalate into armed conflict that lasted a few weeks and inflicted terror on Sabahans.
Let us also not forget how our potential PM got the nickname Kerismuddin. When he was Umno Youth chief, he unsheathed a keris at the Umno general assembly of 2005 and took a combative stance against those who opposed the New Economic Policy (NEP). It was also interpreted as a reaffirmation of Ketuanan Melayu (Malay Supremacy) and a hostile gesture aimed at non-Malays. Observers still say his antic was one of the factors that caused the massive drop in support for the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) at the watershed 2008 general election.
Still think Hishammuddin is PM material?
If some people are impressed by him because of his handling of the MH370 press conferences, it could be because he came on after we had seen how Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) Director-General Azharuddin Abdul Rahman bungled. Compared to the DCA man, Hishammuddin could not but shine.
Besides that, Azharuddin’s English proficiency was pretty hopeless whereas Hishammuddin, with his privileged education in Britain, is comfortable in the language.
Even so, Hishammuddin has made some injudicious remarks throughout the crisis.
In defending Malaysia’s handling of the crisis, he was not shy to say, “I think history will judge us well” and “we have done quite an admirable job”. Was he not aware that self-praise is no praise?
He also crowed about Malaysia’s ability to get 26 countries to work together to search for MH370. “Not many countries can get all the most sophisticated planes from countries from every corner of the world to come and assist,” he said. He should know that in a crisis like this, any number of countries would have responded – not because the country in charge asked but because of humanitarian concern.
A netizen responded with a different take: “Could it be that 26 nations agreed to come together because they have little confidence in Malaysia’s ability to do it on her own?”
Hishammuddin told local newspaper Sinar Harian in an interview, “We are willing to … set aside the country’s interest to find MH370. What more do the people want …?” Sounds like that mischievous article by Utusan Malaysia that came out after the last general election. LOL. Hishammuddin might have felt frustrated, but good EQ would have restrained him from expressing it.
Neither is it judicious for him to threaten to sue media organisations for making false reports on the crisis. He should have stopped at “The Malaysian government has nothing to hide and I believe the truth will prevail.” It makes a big difference.
Nonetheless, our Malaysian media has been kind to him – understandably so. Our editors have been genuflecting for so long, they can’t feel their feet any more. But the foreign media is more forthright. William Pesek of Bloomberg View, for instance, points out, “The lamentable manner in which he has fielded questions about the search underscores how unaccustomed Malaysia’s leaders are to being questioned by anyone.” Pesek has not been the only reporter highlighting that.
As for the handling of the crisis itself, one has to agree with Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad, who called it “an unprecedented failure”. Nothing has come out of the search after a month. Perhaps it’s time to sacrifice national pride and let capable and experienced nations take over.
Ismail Amsyar tweeted about unity. What unity? Some people are critical of the handling but refrain from expressing it because they are afraid they might be accused of being unpatriotic.
But the Merdeka Centre’s recent survey is enlightening. It found that out of 513 respondents polled between March 13 and March 20, 50 per cent said they were dissatisfied with the management of the crisis, while 43 per cent said they were satisfied.
Among the young, more were dissatisfied. In the 21-30 age group, only 35 per cent were satisfied, compared to 56 per cent who were not. And in the 31-40 age group, only 36 per cent were satisfied while 58 per cent were not.
That’s something for potential prime minister Hishammuddin Hussein to chew on.


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